Men’s Health

Do you struggle with incontinence or pelvic pain? We offer physical therapy treatment for a wide range of conditions related to men’s pelvic health. Our physical therapists can assess your symptoms, determine the cause of them, and build a customized treatment plan to help you manage any pain or discomfort.

Visit a location near you for help rebuilding strength in your pelvic muscles and regain control over your pelvic functions.

Male pelvic conditions

Here are some common pelvic conditions that can cause pain, discomfort or other symptoms in men. Physical therapy can help you to manage the symptoms of these conditions:

  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Fecal incontinence.
  • General pelvic pain.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Post-surgical complications.
  • Post-prostatectomy symptoms.
  • Chronic constipation.

Common symptoms of male pelvic floor issues

Each of the ailments and conditions that cause pelvic pain or dysfunction in men comes with its own set of symptoms. However, many cases stem from a weakening or tear in the connective tissue of the pelvic muscles.

This can lead to a range of symptoms, including:

  • Incontinence.
  • Frequent need to urinate.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Constipation or pain with bowel movements.
  • Persistent aches or pain in the abdominal region.
  • Frequent or ongoing lower back pain.
  • Burning or soreness in the pelvic area.
  • Pain in the testicles, groin or hips.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should consider scheduling an appointment at one of our physical therapy locations in your area.

How does physical therapy treat incontinence in men?

Incontinence typically streams from weakness or uncontrollable spasms in the pelvic floor muscles. These conditions cause you to lose control of your bladder. Physical therapy can help you regain control over your bladder and avoid incidents of incontinence by strengthening your pelvic floor muscles.

When you meet with a physical therapist for incontinence or other pelvic floor issues, they’ll walk you through a series of muscle-strengthening exercises to perform both in the office and at home outside of your appointment. This exercise program will help stretch and strengthen the muscles that support your bladder so that you can regain control of it. They may also apply manual therapy or modalities such as heat or electrical stimulation to reduce pain and promote healing of any injured muscles.

Find a location near you today to set up a one-on-one consultation and full evaluation. Our physical therapists are certified, experienced and committed to helping you feel better. They’ve helped many other men recover from pelvic issues and can help you too.

Find a Location Near You and Make an Appointment Today!

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