Virtual Physical Therapy
Alliance employs a network of educated, licensed physical therapists who are experienced in virtual physical therapy. If you’re unsure about attending a session in-clinic, are looking to save time, or aren’t located near a physical therapy office, virtual PT may be your best option.
Agile Virtual PT, our virtual physical therapy brand, can schedule screenings and appointments. They start with an initial assessment over a secure video call. We’ll discuss what’s ailing you and develop a personalized care plan to improve your mobility, flexibility, and strength. Our virtual physical therapy program is accepted by most major insurance providers or a direct payment option is available. Licensed to operate in 40+ states and growing, our virtual physical therapy network has a wide footprint and can help patients located throughout the country.
Common Conditions Virtual PT Treats
Our most common patients include those hampered by pain in the follow areas:
- Back Pain & Sciatica
- Shoulder Pain
- Elbow Pain
- Wrist and Hand Pain
- Hip Pain
- Knee Pain
- Ankle Pain
- Neck Pain and Headaches
Specialty Programs Virtual PT Treats
We also treat a variety and growing list of specialties such as:
- COVID Recovery
- Oncology
- Women’s Health
- Pelvic Health
- Medical Weight Loss
- Elderly Care
- Student Athletes
- E-sports
- Wellness
If you’re curious about virtual physical therapy, schedule an appointment or free screening to get started.